Michelle (Missy) Criss, PT, DPT, Ph.D., Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist

Joined Chatham: 2012
Older adults and optimal aging are key interests of mine as a board-certified geriatric clinical specialist. My research interests center on physical therapy and older adults: the first agenda involves which tests and measures offer clinicians useful information and help guide treatment in older adults, and the second agenda includes wellness of older adults including projects involving ageism/attitudes on aging, quality of life, and physical activity.
Dance, gardening (especially if the weeds pick themselves), kayaking and finding time to actually do it, good food, good friends, and most importantly finding ways to enjoy my family!
Dr. Criss has been practicing in the area of geriatric physical therapy for almost 30 years mostly in skilled nursing facilities, but also has experience in inpatient rehabilitation, adult day programming, and home health. She joined the core faculty in 2012 as a part-time instructor after serving as adjunct and in 2015 joined as full time faculty. Dr. Criss currently serves the Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy on several committees and task forces including the Best Practices Task Force and the Annual Mobility Screen Task Force. Dr. Criss is proud to have developed the ABPTRFE-accredited UPMC Rehabilitation Institute Geriatric Physical Therapy Residency program in which she continues to serve as a faculty mentor.
- Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University (Ft. Lauderdale, FL), 2020
- Doctor of Physical Therapy, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, PA), 2010
- Master of Science, Physical Therapy, Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA), 1995
- Bachelor of Arts, Biology and Psychology, University of Virginia (Charlottesville, VA), 1992
- PA Geriatrics Society, Western Division
- Member, American Physical Therapy Association (APTA)
- Member, APTA Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy; Academy of Neurologic Physical Therapy; Academy of Clinical Electrophysiology and Wound Care; Section on Education
- Member, Gerontological Society of America
- Wingood M, Criss MG, Irwin KE, Bamonti PM, Harris R, Phillips E, Vincenzo JL, Chui KK. Examining physical activity participation barriers among adults 50 years and older: a scoping review. Physical Therapy Reviews. 2023; 28(3): 195-210.
- Stepansky K, CRISS MG, Dick AL, Jurado AM, DiNardo MG. Older Adult Quality of Life within an Assisted Living Facility amid COVID-19. International Journal of Nursing and Health Science. 2023; 9(1): 17-24
- Wingood M, CRISS MG, Irwin KE, Freshman C, Phillips E, Dhaliwal P, Chui KK. Screening for Osteoporosis Risk among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Scoping Review. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. 2023;2023; 46(4): E137-E147
- CRISS MG, Chui KK, Gallichio J, Centra J, Canbek J. Reliability, responsiveness, and validity of slow walking speed in community dwelling older adults. Gait & Posture. 2022; 99: 54-59.
- Billek-Sawhney B, CRISS MG, Galantino ML, Sawhney R. Wellness Aging Model Related to Inactivity, Illness, and Injury (WAMI-3): Implementation strategies for prevention in practice. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. 2022; 45(4): 168-177.
- CRISS MG, Wingood M, Staples WH, Southard V, Miller KL, Norris TL, Avers D, Ciolek C, Lewis C, Strunk E. APTA Geriatrics’ Guiding Principles for Best Practices in Geriatric Physical Therapy: An Executive Summary. Journal of Geriatric Physical Therapy. April/June 2022; 45(2): 70-75
- Lusardi MM, Fritz S, Middleton A, Allison L, Phillips E, CRISS M, Verma S, Osborne J, Chui KK. Determining Risk of Future Falls in Community Dwelling Older Adults: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Using Posttest Probability. J Geriatr Phys Ther.2017;40:1-36.
- Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties
- Credentialed Clinical Instructor, American Physical Therapy Association
- Joan M. Mills Service Award, APTA Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, 2023
- Volunteer Champion Award, GIFT (Giving It Forward, Together), Pittsburgh, PA, 2022
- Excellence in Geriatric Research Award for the paper “Determining Risk of Falls in Community Dwelling Older Adults”, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy (co-author, award presented to first author), 2018
- Chatham University Faculty Technology Fellow, 2017-2018
- Clinician-Educator Award, Chatham University Physical Therapy Program, 2011
- Award of Excellence, Geriatric Special Interest Group, Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association, 2009
- President's Award, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2009
- APTA Geriatrics Exploratory Task Force on Annual Mobility Screen, 2023
- Chair, Residency and Fellowship Special Interest Group, elected position, 2023-present
- Criss M, Jameson S, Williamson A, Strong G. APTA Pennsylvania ADAPT scholarship is a one-time monetary award to a PT or PTA education program to support development programs that aim to increase recruitment and enrollment of students from under-represented racial and ethnic minority groups. Awarded 2022
- Criss M and Stepansky K. Chatham University Research and Sabbatical Committee, 2022.
- Criss M, Stepansky K. Summer undergraduate research DEAL grant funded project through Chatham University, 2020, 2021
- APTA Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy Task Force on Best Practice, 2020-2021
- Criss M. Chatham University Research and Sabbatical Committee, 2018.
- AGPT GeriEDGE (Evidence Database to Guide Effectiveness), member, 2014-2021, co-chair 2021-present
- Nominating Committee: Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2011-2014 (chair, 2013-2014)
- Faculty: Geriatric Physical Therapy Residency Program, UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, 2011-present
- Chair: Regional Course Committee, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2002-2009
- Nominating Committee: Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2011-2014 (chair, 2013-2014)
- Faculty: Geriatric Physical Therapy Residency Program, UPMC Rehabilitation Institute, 2011-present
- Director and Creator: Geriatric Physical Therapy Residency Program, UPMC Centers for Rehab Services, Pittsburgh, PA, 2011-2015
- Item Writer: Geriatric Specialization Academy of Content Experts, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, 2010-2013
- Delegate: American Physical Therapy Association House of Delegates, 2009-2012
- Chair: Regional Course Committee, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2002-2009
- APTA Geriatrics Program Committee, member, 1998 - present
- Stepansky, K. & Criss, M. Be my neighbor: Intergenerational living for health science students at a personal care home. Poster presented at virtual Interprofessional Education Collaborative Poster Fair, virtual, November 29, 2023.
- Criss MG and Stepansky K. Intergenerational relationships between health science students and personal care home residents: preliminary results. Poster presentation for APTA Pennsylvania Move PA conference, Lancaster, PA, October 2023.
- Irwin KE, Freshman C, Phillips E, Dhaliwal P, and Criss MG. Osteoporosis Screening Tools: GeriEDGE Scoping Review Results. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, February 2022.
- Miller K, Staples W, Southard V, and Criss MG. Incorporating APTA Geriatric Guiding Principles to Bridge the Value Gap in Clinical Practice. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, February 2022
- Stepansky K, CRISS M, & Dick A. Combatting ageism in graduate health science students: Community collaborative innovation with a multigenerational housing option. Poster session accepted for American Occupational Therapy Association’s Education Summit, St. Louis, MO, October 22, 2021
- Criss MG, Canbek J, Chui KK, Gallichio J. Does a novel measure of total walking speed range predict function, disability, and life space? Platform Presentation, APTA Combined Sections Meeting, virtual format, February 2021
- CRISS M. Does adding a single contact with older adults improve aging knowledge/attitudes in DPT students? Poster Presentation, PPTA Annual Conference, Seven Springs, PA, October 2019
- Ciolek C, CRISS M, Wharton MA. Help! My patient has dementia. Effective strategies to enhance care for individuals living with dementia. PPTA Annual Conference, Geriatric SIG programming, Seven Springs, PA, October 2019
- CRISS M, Bednarek M, Billek-Sawhney B, Sawhney R, Wingood M. It’s a WAMI3! Application of a Wellness Aging Model. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Washington DC, January 2019
- CRISS M. “Implicit Learning and Useful Communication Strategies: Working with Persons Living with Dementia.” Educational Offering for Clinical Instructors of Penn State Fayette PTA Program. May 10, 2018
- CRISS M. “Using Apps to Practice Observation Skills.” Pittsburgh Regional Faculty Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA. March 2018
- CRISS M. “Help! How do I use evidence to treat persons living with dementia? The basics of implicit learning and useful communication strategies” PPTA Geriatric SIG presentation at PPTA Annual Conference, Seven Springs, PA. October 2017
- White L, Dawson N, Ross B, Stanley M, Knott G, CRISS M, Miles J, Steffes L, Ross C. “Working with Cognitive/Mental Health Issues Across the Care Continuum.” 2-Day Pre-Conference Education Program, APTA Combined Sections Meeting (San Antonio, TX), February 2017.
- CRISS M & Heitzman J. “Ethics, Decision-Making Ability, and Interventions for Patients with Alzheimer Disease. AGPT Education Session, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (Anaheim, CA), February 2016.
- CRISS M, Grieve S, Cook J. Teaching with Multimedia: Applying Evidence to Enhance Learning. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 2016
- Lusardi M, Fritz S, Allison L, Wingood M, CRISS M, Middleton A, Phillips E. “GeriEDGE Fall Risk Assessment and Outcome Measures.” Education Session, APTA Combined Sections Meeting (Indianapolis, IN), February, 2015.
- CRISS M and Schwartz S. “Falls and rehabilitation after hip fracture.” Invited presentation. Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association Southwest District Mini-Combined Sections Meeting, March 2013.
- Strunk E and CRISS M. “Are you a frustrated SNF therapist? What you can do to influence change.” American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting, San Diego, January 2013.
- CRISS MG and Stepansky K. Intergenerational relationships between health science students and personal care home residents: preliminary results. Poster presentation for APTA Pennsylvania Move PA conference, Lancaster, PA, October 2023.